Harmonised World Ventures

Harmonised World Ventures helps growing businesses with private equity investments or angel investor strategies.

Individuals, businesses or organisations requiring investment are selected after completing Life Solution Programmes or Business Solution Programmes and are a member of HW Communities.

We partner with diverse businesses. What unites us is a desire to win. It’s with these like-minded visionaries that we form long-term collaborations, working to solve existing challenges and innovate across all sectors of business and society.


Having an idea is only the first step.

Most entrepreneurs start their businesses or begin developing their ideas with personal funds and time. Occasionally, friends and family will lend them money, too. But it’s not until a business has demonstrated revenue and market traction, or has special patents, licenses, or trademarks, that they begin to appeal to venture capital firms

Our capital helps entrepreneurs make critical investments in technology, research and development, marketing and sales channel development, and myriad other post-startup/pre-corporate processes required to truly bring an idea to market.

Nearly every product or service you rely upon today could have died on the drawing board if it was not for those early stage funders who help move the ideas into reality. From the point of our initial investment, we work with the business to prove the scalability of their revenue model and the team’s ability to execute.

People buy from people.
Investments are no different.

Finding the right team to help grow your business.

Harmonised World spends a third of its time venturing and doing risk-based work, where we invest our own time and resources in generating transaction ideas, and in helping to build and finance developing businesses.

Many of us are successful entrepreneurs who want to help other entrepreneurs get their business off the ground.  We can offer expertise, experience and contacts in addition to funding.

For the business seeking funding, the right investors can be the perfect first step in formal funding.  It usually takes less time to meet and to receive funds, due diligence is less involved and we usually expect a lower rate of return than formal venture capital providers.


We apply our understanding of market and industry forces to develop long-term macroeconomic perspectives.


Entrepreneurs and Investors working in harmony.

Without entrepreneurs and investors willing to share risk collaboratively by creating great companies, our way of life would collapse. This is the true job creation engine of the world’s economy.

In providing solutions and venturing we operate at different ends of the scale allowing us to bring ideas, approaches and people from one to the other.

Our distinctive approach to Life & Business Solutions owes much to our involvement with Ventures.

In Ventures, there is reward only for success. In Solutions, making our clients successful is often explicitly part of how we are rewarded.

Are you interested investing in growing businesses?

Investing in any business involves risks, including illiquidity, lack of dividends, loss of investment and dilution, and it should be done only as part of a diversified portfolio.

Exclusively for Investors who are sufficiently sophisticated to understand these risks and make their own investment decisions, based on their knowledge, experience and financial capacity.

If you are a Business Angel or Investor actively seeking opportunities that you can be involved in, please contact us to find out more.